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Breakout 2

#2 - Living Marriage & Family Life in Light of Eternity: Embracing the Domestic Church

Sunny Naidu

This breakout session will explore the profound connection between faith, marriage, and family life, recognising the family as the domestic church. Participants will delve into the significance of living their marriages and parenting journeys with a perspective rooted in eternity, recognising that their primary mission is to lead their families closer to God.


What does it mean for our families to live as the domestic church? Gain insights on how to cultivate a sacred and faith-filled home environment that fosters spiritual growth for our loved ones.

Drawing from Scripture, Church teachings, and personal testimonies, this session will highlight the transformative power of faith within the context of the family. Attendees will gain insights into nurturing their relationships as a reflection of God's love, cultivating a faith-filled home environment, and fostering spiritual growth within their families. Through practical examples, interactive discussions, and reflective exercises, participants will be empowered to prioritise faith in their marriages and embrace their role as parents in shaping their children's spiritual formation. This session will inspire and equip Catholic families to see their homes as sacred spaces, as well as to be equipped with practical tools and inspiration to build strong, faith-filled families that radiate the joy of the Gospel and actively contribute to the Church's mission of evangelisation.

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From the speaker:

I am Sunny, and above all, I am a devoted husband and a proud father of two young adult children. My passion lies in assisting couples and families in their journey towards finding deep meaning and fulfillment in their lives. I have a special affinity for empowering parents, enabling them to thrive in their invaluable role, while also guiding couples towards contentment and nurturing relationships. 


With more than 30 years of experience, I have made significant contributions in various capacities. Currently, I operate my own family therapy practice, where I offer my expertise and support to individuals and families seeking guidance. Additionally, I work closely with teenagers and their families as a secondary school counselor, where I strive to make a positive impact on their lives.


As a Catholic, I believe that a strong and harmonious faith and family dynamic can create a foundation for happiness and contentment. By combining my experience with my empathetic approach, I aim to help families overcome challenges, build resilience, and foster healthy connections.

Breakout 3
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#3 - Work as Worship: Embracing Whole-Life Discipleship in the Workplace

Jane Marie

This breakout session explores the Catholic perspective on work and emphasises the integration of whole-life discipleship in our working life. Participants will delve into the idea that our work, regardless of its nature, can be viewed as an opportunity to listen to God and bring about the Kingdom of God in our daily lives. 


Regardless of our occupations, our work matters to God. Discover how to integrate faith with work so that our working lives become a means of embodying and witnessing God’s love in our workplaces.

Through a combination of scriptural teachings, personal testimonies, and practical examples, attendees will learn how to discern God's will in decision-making regarding their work and how to approach their tasks with a spirit of worship and service. The session will highlight the significance of the laity's role in bringing the Gospel to their workplaces, considering their office tables as altars of worship. By nurturing a deep sense of purpose and integrating their faith into their work, participants will gain insights into how to transform their working life into a means of embodying God's love and contributing to the building of a just and compassionate society.

From the speaker:

Throughout my working life as a lawyer, polytechnic law lecturer and later as administrator of the Bar Course and Exams, and through my parish ministries of Children’s Liturgy and the Lectors, I tried my best to live out the Gospel values. But it was only around 1999-2000 that my zeal for mission finally caught fire when I was drawn into the fold of the Good Shepherd Sisters.


I have since experienced the joys (and woes) of working side by side with the Good Shepherd Sisters and their Mission Partners. I am a work-in-progress, still learning what it takes to be like Jesus the Good Shepherd, in my relationships and in what I do and say. My zeal must be contagious because my family members are often drawn into my work and activities for the mission.


I am retired from employment, and am happily busy as a grandmother and as Chair of the Board of Marymount Centre, a charity that shelters and cares for vulnerable women and children who have suffered trauma through abuse and neglect.

Breakout 4

#4 - Faith-Driven Entrepreneurship: Uniting Business and Apostolic Mission

Daniel Sim

This breakout session will explore the integration of faith and business, highlighting the concept of "business as mission" and its potential as an apostolic endeavour. Participants will delve into the interwoven nature of our approach to business and financial stewardship, recognising the profound impact it can have on individuals, communities, and the broader society. 

Gain an understanding of the interwoven nature of our approach to business and financial stewardship, and be awakened to the transformative impact that faith-driven entrepreneurs can have in bringing about the kingdom of God for a more just and compassionate world.

By examining the teachings of the Catholic Church on economic justice and the dignity of work, attendees will discover how to be faith-driven entrepreneurs who actively seek to align their business practices with Gospel values. Through real-life examples, case studies, and practical insights, participants will learn how to discern the hand of God in their daily business dealings, recognising opportunities to create positive social change and contribute to the common good. This session will inspire and equip Catholic entrepreneurs to view their businesses as instruments for evangelisation and transformative action, fostering a more just and compassionate world.

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From the speaker:

Born into humble beginnings, I pursued education, secured a job, and sought ways to maximise my financial success. However, relying solely on my own abilities and efforts proved fruitless, leading to deep frustration. This humbling experience compelled me to seek discernment, drawing closer to God's protective mantle, divine providence, and guidance. I earnestly sought His will, praying for the obedience to follow it.


Amidst the challenges of the Covid pandemic, I took a leap of faith and started my own business. Throughout this journey, I have experienced God's guiding hand, echoing the words of Isaiah 30:21: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"


Recognising the significance of prayer, I continue to seek His holy will, prioritising the care of our clients and staff, and faithfully stewarding the resources entrusted to us for His kingdom's purpose. Anchored by my Catholic faith, my aim is to make a positive impact through business and entrepreneurship, serving His greater purpose.

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